Here are the guides and reports that we’ve created or co-authored with amazing industry partners.

  • Leveraging Psychology in Digital Marketing

    eBook: Leveraging Psychology in Digital Marketing Written by Kath Pay for cloud.IQ and Marketo, this eBook is designed for ecommerce professionals looking to discover how to leverage human behaviours and basic psychology through the customer lifecycle. It contains a range of proven techniques and approaches used to optimise the online customer journey for greater engagement… keep reading →

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  • Email Subject Line Guide

    Email Subject Line Guide Written by Kath Pay for Smart Insights and Cloud.IQ, this free guide shows how to craft a compelling subject line. Looking to increase conversions from your email marketing? A great place to start is with your email Subject Line. If you wait until you’re ready to press send before you hastily… keep reading →

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  • Test Your Way to Success – Holistically! [Cheatsheet]

    Test Your Way to Success – Holistically! Holistic Testing is a new email A/B testing approach that we’ve pioneered here at Holistic Email Marketing. A regularly-performed test based on a hypothesis is the essence of Holistic Testing. Unlike a typical A/B split test that is based on testing a factor and achieving the single aim… keep reading →

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  • Email Testing Planner

    At Litmus Live London 2017, Jonathan spoke on Holistic email testing, our hypothesis-led email testing methodology. To accompany this, we have produced a testing plan document that will help you to plan out a robust testing plan for your email channel.

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  • Customers Over Channels: Why Holistic Marketing Automation Takes a Customer-First Approach

    Customers over channels: Why Holistic Marketing Automation Takes a Customer-First Approach “When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” This version of a famous quote, attributed variously to Abraham Maslow and Mark Twain, refers to what happens when you limit your focus too narrowly on your own objectives without considering the… keep reading →

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  • Email engagement: Often talked about, never defined

    Co-authored by Holistic Email Marketing’s Kath Pay The need for engagement in marketing and in the case of this document, email marketing, is often discussed and seen by nearly everyone as important. No email best practice discussion is complete without a phrase like ‘sending campaigns that are relevant and produce high engagement’ is key. This… keep reading →

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  • The Fundamentals of Email Marketing

    No tool in your marketing toolbox is as valuable and necessary to you as your email marketing programme: Email generates a generous return on investment, higher than any other digital marketing channel, including search and social media. Email extends the reach and power of every other marketing channel you use, whether it’s digital, mobile, print, broadcast or out-of-home. Holistic… keep reading →

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  • The 2016 Customer Experience Masterplan

    Authored by Holistic Email Marketing’s Kath Pay Customer experience (CX) is not just a buzzword; it’s a commitment by the brand to deliver an easy, satisfying online experience to its customers and prospects. But CX doesn’t just cover the website experience, it involves ensuring all your digital channels – email, social, landing pages and mobile… keep reading →

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  • Track it and Smash it: 6 Email Marketing Metrics You Must Measure

    Authored by Holistic Email Marketing’s Kath Pay A major reason why email is still so valuable for marketing is that it’s definitively measurable. While there are a host of metrics that can show you how well your email program is doing, some metrics are more valuable than others. Wouldn’t it be great to save time… keep reading →

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  • 10 Critical Metrics for The eCommerce Marketer

    Co-Authored by Holistic Email Marketing’s Kath Pay “Always trust your gauges.” Aviation pilots in training have these words of wisdom hammered into them. Pilots also use visual reference, but only as a supplement to what their gauges indicate, and when visuals become undependable, external tools become that much more important. Metrics are the business equivalent, used… keep reading →

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  • Seizing the moment: Making real-time marketing work for you

    Authored by Holistic Email Marketing’s Kath Pay Experts say that moment marketing will be the #1 global marketing trend for 2016. Nearly 25% of in-house digital marketers are spending to build moment marketing infrastructure. Email remains the channel of choice for brand communications across every demographic. Our whitepaper will help you blend your strategies for moment… keep reading →

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