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Series 5, Episode 5, 23 July 2024

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Email & More: Interactive Email Design

True or false: Email messages are just the means to an end. The conversion always happens on the website.
Answer: False, false, and false!

Email conversions no longer happen just on websites. Many brands are defying the naysayers and finding new ways to use Google’s AMP for Email to remove barriers and open new vistas for engagement and conversion. Join our session to discover the ins and outs of email interactivity and how it can turn email messages from one-way conduits into two-way conversion-drivers.

In this episode, we delve into making your emails more interactive and engaging, enhancing them to be more like a web experience. Featuring industry experts Jodi Ceason from RPE Origin (with apologies from Evan Diaz who was not available), Kisha Anderson of Email Artisan, and Kath Pay from Holistic Email Marketing, this session covers practical examples, the evolution of email interactivity, strategic testing, and valuable tips to ensure your interactive emails are effective and user-friendly. Tune in for an unscripted, live discussion and get your questions answered by our brilliant panel!