Email Marketing Vendor Selection

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Marketing automation & email marketing vendor selection

There are many tools and vendors on the market. Some have been around for years and have fabulous sales teams but use archaic email marketing technology to support their solutions (and yours). Others are little-known, but have a fantastic offering – you’re just not aware of them. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the choice and to be attracted by pretty (but costly & hardly ever-used)  bells and whistles.

Over the past 10 years of consulting, we have assisted numerous known brands select the right email marketing vendor, marketing automation vendor or more recently, personalization technology vendor. And having founded, designed and managed one of the original email marketing technologies back in 1998, we’re in a unique and well-placed situation to assist you. Although we’re email marketing vendor and technology agnostic, we have experience of working with a very broad selection of email marketing vendors and are known to the majority of them as a source of thought leadership.

Who is the best email technology provider for your company?

We’ve found that the key to success in selecting a email marketing vendor is to stay focused on your strategy.  Ideally you need to select an email marketing vendor that can fulfil your short-term needs in terms of budget, functionality and usability (to bring your strategy to life), as well as being flexible and capable of keeping up with your future ambitions and plans. There is no ‘one’ best email marketing vendor (sorry!).

When not managed by someone experienced in this process, all too often this email marketing vendor selection process can end up being lengthy, confusing and often frustrating. We can assist to ensure this process not only results in selecting the most suitable vendor for you, but that it is streamlined, comprehensive, yet stress-free.

Want to select a vendor or have some questions? We’d love to hear from you