Home » Email Marketing Consultancy Services

We offer expert email marketing consultancy services – worldwide!

Discover > Devise > Develop

We specialise in a range of email marketing consultancy services that cater for Ecommerce brands, B2B businesses and Agencies, around the customer lifecycle, experience, and marketing automation. Whether you have an email deliverability issue, lack of expertise or resources to create an implement marketing automation and lifecycle programmes or have a particular challenge within email marketing or the customer journey that you require assistance with – we can help.

Do any of these common scenarios sound familiar?

  • Is your email marketing programme lacking a robust strategy?
  • Are you struggling with lack of time and resources to create and implement those lifecycle programmes that you know will increase your revenue?
  • Are you aware that your customer journey is not a satisfying experience for your customers, and that conversions could be improved, but you don’t know where to start?
  • Would you like to have an expert email marketing consultant on-hand to guide and advise you?
  • Have your open, clicks and conversions decreased recently, but you don’t know why?

Get expert help now


email marketing consultancy services


We do our homework! We take a good look at the different elements of your email marketing programme and produce an in-depth report identifying missed opportunities and recommendations.
Discovery Session
Email Marketing Audit
Deliverability Audit
Email Marketing Vendor Selection
Email Marketing Workshop

email marketing consultancy services


This is where the fun starts! In order to create a unified and connected customer journey and experience a robust strategy is required. The strategy draws upon the findings from the audit.
eCRM Strategy
Email Consultancy
Personalisation Strategy
Email Testing Strategy

email marketing consultancy services


This is where we bring the strategy to life! Depending upon your internal resources, we’re flexible and can help as little or as much as required (we’re nice like that) .
Email & eCRM Implementation
Email Design & Copywriting
Marketing Automation
Ecommerce Email Solutions

The email strategy and flows that Holistic Email Marketing & Hagopian Ink created delivered a 2x ROI in 6 months.  We were able to lift and sustain our online our sales by 5% – 10% through 3 basic, yet, strategic email executions.  And even better, we are doing it through email communications that are on brand, improving the frequency of our brand touches with our consumers.”
 Jen Pike, Cannadips

Transform your email strategy today

See below for more information or contact us today and see how we can help you.

  • Email marketing discovery session

    Email Marketing Discovery Session

    Can our email marketing discovery session help you? Do you need to access some fresh thinking? Perhaps you require an expert, experienced outside perspective? Are you aware of the limitations imposed upon you but don’t know how to work around them? If you answered yes to any of these, then this email marketing discovery session… keep reading →

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  • Email marketing deliverability audit

    Email Deliverability Audit

    Email deliverability issues? We can help! Over the past 20 years we have help hundreds of companies resolve their deliverability issues. To assist us to do this, we perform a holistic email deliverability audit. We will assess your current delivery rates and investigate the probable causes of why your email is currently being filtered to… keep reading →

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  • Email Marketing Vendor Selection

    Email Marketing Vendor Selection

    Discover > Devise > Develop Marketing automation & email marketing vendor selection There are many tools and vendors on the market. Some have been around for years and have fabulous sales teams but use archaic email marketing technology to support their solutions (and yours). Others are little-known, but have a fantastic offering – you’re just… keep reading →

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  • Ecommerce brand Printerpix Email Deliverability Case Study

    Case Studies

    We’re really pleased to work with some amazing brands, and we’re happy to share with you some of our best success stories in these case studies.

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  • Email Marketing Optimization

    Email Marketing Optimisation

    At Holistic, we believe that email marketing should be more than just sending emails. Continual email marketing optimization is crucial to success. That’s why we pioneered the Holistic Email Testing Methodology – a scientific and effective way to make sure your emails are getting the attention they deserve. We have used this approach with many… keep reading →

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  • Email Marketing Audit

    Are your email marketing and eCRM programmes achieving all that they can? Wish you could have an expert review your email and eCRM programme; landing pages; customer journey and feedback with an in-depth analysis? You can!

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  • Email Marketing Strategy

    Success comes from having a strategy. Need help devising one? Well, you’re in luck! We love crafting strategies – whether it be an email marketing strategy, a digital marketing strategy, a testing strategy or a personalisation strategy.

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  • development of email marketing programmes

    Email Marketing Development

    Implementation of tactics and programmes. Whether you’re an ecommerce or B2B brand, we can do as much or as little implementation as you need to help you on your way. Need the strategy for an automated programme? We’ve got your back.

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  • Email Marketing Consulting

    With 18 years in email marketing under our belt, we have had extensive experience in delivering email marketing consulting services to businesses like yours – whether you’re an ecommerce brand, B2B brand, or an Agency or Supplier.

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  • email marketing training


    We offer a variety of world class courses and workshops. For the past 7 years, Kath Pay has been the UK’s leading Email Marketing trainer. She currently teaches Econsultancy’s Email Marketing & Advanced Email Courses, & was the Tutor for the IDM’s Email Marketing Award for over 5 years.

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  • Workshops

    Need some fresh inspiration or maybe a different view on something that you’re struggling with? We know what it’s like – too much to do and too little time to do it. We offer a bespoke email marketing workshop, based on your requirements, to provide you and your team with inspiration, knowledge and expertise.

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