What the heck is zero-party data and why should we care?

What the heck is zero-party data and why should we care?

A term originally coined by Forrester, “zero-party data” refers to the information collected directly from an individual. Whether that be from a form, quiz, competition entry, survey and more, this counts as zero-party data. Now you might be thinking, wait, hang on, isn’t that just 1st party data you’re talking about? Seemingly yes but as… keep reading →

Piece of the pie - pie chart

Better reporting can improve email performance

When it comes to improving your email programs, it’s all about the numbers Whether you think of email as an art, a science or both (as I do), there’s no escaping the reality that email is a numbers game through and through. Knowing which numbers (or metrics) to track will help you assess and continually… keep reading →

Error message - facebook failure highlights why email reigns

Facebook failure highlights why email reigns

What were you doing when Facebook went down on Monday? If you were like many of your fellow marketers, you were tearing your hair out because you couldn’t access any Facebook-owned sites like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. No social posting. No campaign research, launches or analysis. Gaahhhhh! But some resourceful email marketers seized the opportunity… keep reading →

It’s time to put the ‘marketing’ back into email marketing

Adopting a holistic approach to email marketing will help you break through barriers, serve your customers better and drive stronger results for your company. Holistic Email Marketing is a reliable source of up-to-date, practical guidance, inspiration and thought leadership to make your email marketing programmes dynamic. This book will enable you to: Develop strategies and… keep reading →