Exploring the Mail Privacy Protection Impact on Email Personalisation

The Mail Privacy Protection impact extends beyond just open rates, affecting dynamic content personalisation. Few events generated as much concern in email marketer circles as the advent of Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection feature in 2021. MPP, as it is commonly called, was one of several privacy-focused changes Apple has introduced in recent years to restrict… keep reading →

Attribution, Metrics and Reporting

As the cynical say, you can prove anything with statistics and in the world of email marketing there’s no shortage of numbers to pick from. Emails sent, emails opened, click-throughs and more are all fastidiously reported by our platforms. But all those numbers are for nothing if we’re using them wrong. And there are few… keep reading →

Email marketing test results - data streams

5 Tips to Help You Think About the Big Picture with Test Results

Marketers use data to interpret test results, but sometimes you need to look beyond the numbers to understand how your tests fit into the overall customer experience. Our recent work with a client that provides background screenings for landlords and property managers generated some fascinating data. It also helped illuminate 5 tips you can use… keep reading →