4 Reasons Why You Don’t (Necessarily) Need Double Opt-In

We’ll be the first to admit that many email marketing “best practices” are basically BS, but is double opt-in one of them? We’re about to open Pandora’s inbox on this controversial topic, but first: a refresher. What Is Double Opt-In? Double opt-in (DOI), as defined succinctly by Litmus, is the subscription process where a new… keep reading →

GDPR and Email Marketing

Even GDPR Can’t Kill Email by Kath Pay and Tim Watson

CNBC recently carried a news grabbing clickbait headline about email marketing being decimated by GDPR. As this is not what I’m seeing, I discussed with Tim Watson of Zettasphere, a long-time friend and fellow email marketing consultant, to get another opinion. Having both worked together on the UK DMA Email Marketing Council for 10 years each to… keep reading →

Optimising your web forms is key to success

Give Your Email Team the Keys to the Marketing Database

The company’s database containing email addresses, gained through web forms, has always been an email marketer’s greatest asset. Many marketers are re-learning that lesson in the wake of GDPR implementation in May 2018. Although GDPR did not mandate re-permissioning email addresses, many brands in EU countries chose to go that route to comply with its… keep reading →

Group of people gathered and listening to a presentation

Top Tips from Holistic Live! Together With Pure 360

We recently had another fantastic Holistic Live! Together event in London and Manchester.  Thanks to everyone who attended – it was great to see you all!  For those who couldn’t make it, or those who just want a reminder, here are a couple of top tips from our presentation: Optimising your forms for Increased Conversions… keep reading →