Email marketing test results - data streams

5 Tips to Help You Think About the Big Picture with Test Results

Marketers use data to interpret test results, but sometimes you need to look beyond the numbers to understand how your tests fit into the overall customer experience. Our recent work with a client that provides background screenings for landlords and property managers generated some fascinating data. It also helped illuminate 5 tips you can use… keep reading →

5 tips for an effective holiday browse-abandonment program

An email automation targeting browsers who don’t buy can be an effective tool to bring busy shoppers back for a second look. It seems as if we have been thinking about Holiday 2022 since we put the decorations away last year. But now it’s time to get serious. By now, you likely have either locked… keep reading →

7 email marketing trends worth trying to increase conversions

Email is a highly powerful ‘push’ marketing channel. It enables brands and membership organisations to promote their products and services to customers and members in a convenient, timely and cost-effective way. Yet, despite its formidable reach, email was often underestimated as a channel before Covid-19 struck. Email used to be seen as an option of… keep reading →

lifecycle marketing - catterpiller to butterfly

Is lifecycle marketing outdated?

Everyone talks about lifecycle marketing – but is it still a useful strategy for email marketers? This is a controversial topic, especially because we know how well email aligns with points in the customer lifecycle. A blue-ribbon panel of email experts debated this concept fearlessly during Holistic Email Marketing’s recent discussion,  Email & More …… keep reading →

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Better reporting can improve email performance

When it comes to improving your email programs, it’s all about the numbers Whether you think of email as an art, a science or both (as I do), there’s no escaping the reality that email is a numbers game through and through. Knowing which numbers (or metrics) to track will help you assess and continually… keep reading →