bad data can spoil good personalization - abstract purple image

How bad data can spoil good personalization

Don’t let bad data poison your email relationship with your clients. Learn how to avoid personalization failures in your email program. In the space of three days recently, I received three individual emails that showed me brands are beginning to take the concept of “helpful marketing” seriously. That’s good news because I believe helpful marketing… keep reading →

lifecycle marketing - catterpiller to butterfly

Is lifecycle marketing outdated?

Everyone talks about lifecycle marketing – but is it still a useful strategy for email marketers? This is a controversial topic, especially because we know how well email aligns with points in the customer lifecycle. A blue-ribbon panel of email experts debated this concept fearlessly during Holistic Email Marketing’s recent discussion,  Email & More …… keep reading →

Error message - facebook failure highlights why email reigns

Facebook failure highlights why email reigns

What were you doing when Facebook went down on Monday? If you were like many of your fellow marketers, you were tearing your hair out because you couldn’t access any Facebook-owned sites like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. No social posting. No campaign research, launches or analysis. Gaahhhhh! But some resourceful email marketers seized the opportunity… keep reading →

Helping hands accross high rise buildling

Why Helpful Marketing Should Outlast the Pandemic

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is still with us to varying degrees, many of us are beginning to resume the lives that went on pause in 2020. We’ve learned much about ourselves and each other, and our worlds, though still recognizable, are not the same. Marketing, especially email marketing, went through a big change, too. Successful… keep reading →

It’s time to put the ‘marketing’ back into email marketing

Adopting a holistic approach to email marketing will help you break through barriers, serve your customers better and drive stronger results for your company. Holistic Email Marketing is a reliable source of up-to-date, practical guidance, inspiration and thought leadership to make your email marketing programmes dynamic. This book will enable you to: Develop strategies and… keep reading →