Email marketing test results - data streams

5 Tips to Help You Think About the Big Picture with Test Results

Marketers use data to interpret test results, but sometimes you need to look beyond the numbers to understand how your tests fit into the overall customer experience. Our recent work with a client that provides background screenings for landlords and property managers generated some fascinating data. It also helped illuminate 5 tips you can use… keep reading →

Persuasive Copywriting for Email Marketing

Crafting persuasive copy that captures and retains your audience’s attention is more important than ever. In Episode 7, Season 3 of Email & More, experts came together to share their insights on what makes email copy truly persuasive. This episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to refine their email marketing strategy and improve engagement… keep reading →

Does your email copy persuade or sell? black typewriter on white background

Does your email copy persuade or sell?

They aren’t the same, and if you get it wrong, you’ll leave money on the table. What’s the one thing you would do to make more money from your email program? Your first thought might be to add an automation platform, invest in new email designs, maybe even switch ESPs. But all of those cost… keep reading →

Email personalization: 8 Common, Seldom Discussed and Fixable Mistakes

Email Personalization: 8 Common, Seldom Discussed but Fixable Mistakes

As email marketers, we know we need to personalize the messages we send our subscribers and customers. I can’t think of a single statistic, case study or survey that claims an email program made up of one-to-everyone campaigns outperforms personalization. Instead, you’ll find statistics like these: 72% of customers will engage only with personalized messages… keep reading →