Does your email copy persuade or sell? black typewriter on white background

Does your email copy persuade or sell?

They aren’t the same, and if you get it wrong, you’ll leave money on the table. What’s the one thing you would do to make more money from your email program? Your first thought might be to add an automation platform, invest in new email designs, maybe even switch ESPs. But all of those cost… keep reading →

Email personalization: 8 Common, Seldom Discussed and Fixable Mistakes

Email Personalization: 8 Common, Seldom Discussed but Fixable Mistakes

As email marketers, we know we need to personalize the messages we send our subscribers and customers. I can’t think of a single statistic, case study or survey that claims an email program made up of one-to-everyone campaigns outperforms personalization. Instead, you’ll find statistics like these: 72% of customers will engage only with personalized messages… keep reading →

Design emails for 4 personality types to win back customers

Try these steps before giving up on disengaged and inactive email recipients. Email marketing is better than ever, but there’s one problem that just won’t go away – inactive customers. If you’re like many of the email marketers I’ve worked with, you try everything: You dig into your analytics to learn when and how customers… keep reading →

It’s time to put the ‘marketing’ back into email marketing

Adopting a holistic approach to email marketing will help you break through barriers, serve your customers better and drive stronger results for your company. Holistic Email Marketing is a reliable source of up-to-date, practical guidance, inspiration and thought leadership to make your email marketing programmes dynamic. This book will enable you to: Develop strategies and… keep reading →